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Focus  ICT per l’impiantistica  Focus  ICT per l’impiantistica                                      INFORMAZIONE PUBBLICITARIA

                                 Safety is the primary point in training. As training is an   thus lowering CAPEX and OPEX.
                                 ongoing process, the new OTS would provide support   •   Highly scalable. The power of the cloud enables
                                 and sustain a deeper understanding of the various   a vast number of concurrent user sessions to be
                                 conditions that operators experience in the actual fa-  launched on demand in a matter of minutes
                                 cility. The training sessions closely duplicate the actual   •   Accessibility. Access to the simulation solution
                                 work conditions of field and control board operators   can be done from a modern web browser.
                                 (FIG. 3). The augmented reality (AR) option enables the
                                 trainees to experience a virtual environment of an area   What is ahead?
                                 or a specific piece of equipment. With intense simu-  Instructors and engineers at La Méde are most opti-
                                 lation experiences, new operators gain confidence in   mistic in the progress and milestones already achieved
                                 their actions by practicing them under virtual condi-  with the new project. Harnessing the power of the
                                 tions without consequences. In the field, newly trained   cloud and digitalization, they are planning to further in-
                                 operators will respond rather than react to plant and   tegrate more complex dynamic simulator models (dig-
                                 equipment emergencies.                    ital twin) into the OTS program. Additionally, they plan
                                 Being a cloud-based system, the new OTS could be   to combine teaching expertise with life-size technical
                                 integrated with TOTAL’s Learning Management Sys-  platforms.
                                 tem. Centralized training records provide the means to
                                 review training sessions and assess knowledge reten-  Sustainable training and safety goals
                                 tion of trainees.                         It has been proven that better operator training and
                                                                           process modeling are viable long-term strategies and
                                 Sustainable solution                      provide many benefits. OTS systems are excellence
                                 Changes in innovation, software and technology are   tools. Using dynamic, high-fidelity simulation models
                                 happening at a rapidly increasing pace. In developing   can heighten training and knowledge retention for new
                                 the cloud-based OTS program, TOTAL planned for the   and experienced operators—anywhere, and at any
                                 longer term. Working with their partners, the company   time. TOTAL’s new OLEUM project demonstrates the
                                 specified that the new system must be:    possibilities in combining the cloud and high-fidelity
                                 •   Modern: Provide 10 years of guaranteed durabil-  dynamic OTS systems in operator training programs.
                                 •   Scalable: Open to progressive additions of mod-  (*) Authors:
                                    els, users and geographical locations  S. RÉMY and L. SEYFRIED, TOTAL, Dunkirk, France;
                                 •   Flexible: Training modules include self-train, re-  E. SCAPPAZZONI, TOTAL, Paris, France
                                    mote and classic methods               M. LUKMAN, AVEVA, Carlsbad, California;
                                 •   Economic: Program would balance the cost vs.   J. MCMULLEN, AVEVA, Foxboro, Massachusetts
                                    results and control capital expenditures (CAPEX)
                                    and operations expenditures (OPEX).    NOTES
                                                                           1  Total worked with AVEVA and Microsoft to construct the OTS
                                 Success story                             cloud-based program for the new OLEUM center in La Mède.
                                 TOTAL’s OLEUM is a success. The new OTS program   2  The new cloud-based system uses AVEVA’s OTS DYNSIM-Dy-
                                 can more efficiently train operators in less time. Using   namic simulation and InTouch-HMI on AVEVA’s cloud platform
                                 a cloud-based OTS, travel and logistics spending are   utilizing Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure.
                                 deeply reduced through remote training. More impor-  3  Azure is a Microsoft product.
                                 tantly, OTS training capabilities are expanded regional-  4  DYNSIM enables creating a digital twin of the process, and In-
                                 ly to other sites.                        Touch HMI builds the same control graphics for the control room
                                 “Placing OTS in the cloud is giving training access to   and simulation models.
                                 everyone in the world,” said Eric Scappazzoni, Engi-
                                 neer Operation Methods, TOTAL Refining and Petro-  BIBLIOGRAPHY
                                 chemicals. “I strongly believethat using OTS is improv-  Scappazzoni, E. and M. Lukman, “Ground Breaking Simulator
                                 ing our operational excellence.”          Training Solution at TOTAL,” October 2018.
                                                                           Behie, S. W., et al., “Closing the skills gap,” Chemical Engineer-
                                 Other metrics                             ing Progress, June 2018.
                                 By using the cloud, OLEUM has increased the number   Haymen, C., “Transformative disruption: The brave new world of
                                 of trainees using the simulator per session. A series of   Industrial IoT,” October 2018.
                                 batches of trainees can be efficiently handled at the   Illanes, P., et al., “Retraining and reskilling workers in the age of
                                 same time. More importantly, it will standardize training   automation,” McKinsey and Co., January 2018.
                                 goals and methods across all operational sites for re-  McKinsey Digital, “Industry 4:0: How to navigate digitalization of
                                 fining and petrochemicals units.          the manufacturing sector,” 2015.
                                 Moving to a cloud-based OTS system achieved addi-  Provost, G., “Training today’s workforce,” Chemical Engineering,
                                 tional project objectives, including:     July 2017.
                                 •   Economics. The cost to maintain individual sim-  Rys, R., “Achieving success in operator training,” ARC Forum,
                                    ulators is greatly reduced to nearly zero. Cloud-  November 17, 2017.
                                    based  solutions  eliminate  hardware  footprint,        

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