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Focus  ICT per l’impiantistica                                     INFORMAZIONE PUBBLICITARIA

                            dition, the program used a dozen of TOTAL’s generic   for industry,” said Rémy. “We wanted to make use of
                            simulators, which focused on refining units and were   the new solutions provided by the digital revolution.
                            installed in 10 of its European facilities.  As we all know, major O&G companies must innovate
                                                                      and adapt themselves to new conditions for sustain-
                            Problems with the old program             able growth.”
                            As with aging equipment, earlier-version simulation   The mission for the digital team at the La Méde
                            programs and models quickly become outdated with   OLEUM center is to train everyone, everywhere fast-
                            the introduction of innovative technologies or up-  er, reducing time to market for training projects with
                            grades. TOTAL encountered difficulties in maintaining   new technologies. Using TOTAL’s specific OTS mod-
                            the older simulators at the individual sites. The older   els layered on a cloud-based platform using Microsoft
                            generic simulators did not match the sophistication of   Azure, the company is empowered to provide consis-
                            current operating models. This platform lacked flexi-  tent training at all company sites. The new OLEUM
                            bility in scheduling classes and limited the number of   is designed as a high-tech, high-touch environment.
                            trainees per class. One major flaw was the lack of a
                            central file system that was not integrated with the   Planning the future
                            simulator. Document verification of completion and   To create a state-of-the-art training program, TOTAL
                            competency of the trainee were not possible.  partnered with leading engineering and technology
                                                                      companies to map out the cloud-based OTS plat-
                            Digital workforce, knowledge capture and crew   form.  TOTAL, as with all major O&G and HPI com-
                            change                                    panies, needed to control costs for the new system.
                            TOTAL recognized that its training program and strat-  However, more importantly, the new program had to
                            egies needed upgrading, if not reinvention. The new   produce  highly-trained operators  who could ensure
                            program had to address upgrading process/equip-  the safe operation and performance of all facilities.
                            ment  technologies, a  retiring workforce,  knowledge   This program would be an inclusive solution and meet
                            retention and onboarding of new operators. These   the needs of a diverse workforce. Likewise, the pro-
                            issues affected the safe operation of the company’s   gram would address knowledge retention and cap-
                            assets.                                   ture of best practices from more experienced staff.
                            “TOTAL is always looking for improvement of safety,
                            operational excellence, availability of assets, ROI and   Long-term application
                            competitiveness of our industrial sites,” said Stéphane   In planning the new OTS system, longevity and sus-
                            Rémy, Vice President, TOTAL Learning Solutions.   tainability of the software and hardware were para-
                            “Regarding these priorities, we have a clear vision that   mount, as was open access to trainees. Working with
                            training is one of the keys to achieve these goals.”  their partners, TOTAL’s OTS is cloud-based.  Moving
                            TOTAL decided to convert the La Méde refinery from   the OTS to the cloud enables the company to train
                            crude oil to renewable feedstocks and to produce   operators at OLEUM La Méde, as well as at remote
                            “green” fuel products. This global project provided in   facilities. The next-generation OTS includes dynam-
                            the platform was also the opportunity to create a sec-  ic, high-fidelity simulation modeling. With dynamic
                            ond OLEUM training center. From the main roadmap   simulation models, a digital twin of the plant—with
                            of this new training center, a dedicated team for pro-  complete control systems—mirrors actual site oper-
                            viding digital training solutions was created. Among   ations.  Real-time information, with accurate control
                            these digital projects would be the design of a cloud-  graphics, enable trainees to run exercises and dif-
                            based OTS platform. It would increase the capability   ferent scenarios in a safe environment. The trainees
                            to deliver training through sustainable, efficient and   practice responses to varying plant conditions and
                            effective models.                         witness the consequences from their actions without
                            “OLEUM is foreseen as an innovative learning solution   impacting the actual facility (FIG. 2).

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