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Focus  ICT per l’impiantistica  Focus  ICT per l’impiantistica                                      INFORMAZIONE PUBBLICITARIA


                                  Cloud-based dynamic simulation

                                  models amplify operator training

                                  and safety programs                              (*)

                                  International oil and gas (O&G) and hydrocarbon pro-  a next-generation training center as part of the La
                                  cessing industry (HPI) companies are under great   Méde refinery reinvention. The program embraces
                                  pressure to be profitable. At present, major business-  advanced operator training simulator (OTS) methods
                                  es must develop and implement strategies that en-  using the company’s generic OTS models, supported
                                  compass growth, profitability and innovation.  by a cloud platform. 1
                                  The digital transformation is a major disruptor to
                                  “business as usual” practices, and it is strongly influ-  Background
                                  encing organizational strategy and development. The   TOTAL’s vision includes safety, operational excellence,
                                  issue before many O&G and HPI companies is how to   return on investment (ROI) and competitiveness of all
                                  effectively incorporate digitalization, cloud computing   operational facilities. Safety is a strong value for the
                                  and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) into strategic   organization; hence, it must be differentiated from
                                  planning. More importantly, the digital transformation   common priorities. With this emphasized safety value,
                                  goes beyond data management; it also includes em-  training becomes central to the company’s business
                                  ployee training and process safety.      strategy and a core part of its sustainability program.
                                                                           Better-trained operators provide higher competency
                                  Case history                             and qualification. These qualities result in:
                                  Training is a core value for TOTAL, the world’s   •   Improved plant/equipment availability
                                  fourth-largest international O&G company. The pro-  •   Reduced scheduled and unscheduled mainte-
                                  gressive and sustainable organization places a high   nance events
                                  value on employee training and safety programs.   •   Detection of equipment problems before failures
                                  Recognizing the opportunities and possible bene-  •   Lengthened service life of process equipment
                                  fits through the digital revolution, TOTAL established   •   Less waste generation and raw material con-
                                                                           In 2005, TOTAL Refining issued a policy that OTS
                                                                           must be used for both initial and refresher operator
                                                                           training. To implement this policy, the corporate train-
                                                                           ing department was challenged to further widen ac-
                                                                           cess of OTS across the global enterprise, while keep-
                                                                           ing it cost effective.
                                                                           In early 2011, TOTAL reversed its position on contrac-
                                                                           tor-based training and established OLEUM, Europe’s
                                                                           first training center for O&G and petrochemical indus-
                                                                           tries. Based  at  the  idled  Flanders (Dunkirk,  France)
                                                                           refinery, OLEUM offered full-scale training on indus-
                                                                           try-sized processing equipment (FIG. 1).
                                                                           OLEUM provides tailored technical courses that ad-
                                                                           dress safety, process operations, maintenance, in-
                                                                           spection and laboratory works. This education pro-
                                                                           gram uses classroom, onsite practice and coaching
                                                                           methods; it also meets Seveso requirements. Stu-
                                                                           dents experience authentic hands-on training. In ad-

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