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SYDEC Technology

             SYDEC SM  process is a flexible thermal conver-
             sion process used by refiners worldwide to
             upgrade heavy residue feed and process it into
             high value transport fuels and coke products for
             fuel and metallurgical markets. The SYDEC
             process can be designed to maximise clean li-
             quid yields while minimising fuel coke yields or
             to achieve other objectives, for example, to mi-
             nimise heavy gas oil yields or to produce specific
             grades of coke for industrial use.

                                                                                               FW Delayed Coking Furnace

             VESTA Technology

             VESTA SNG technology is a methanation
             technology designed to produce SNG from syn-
             thesis gas obtained from gasification and from
             CO  methanation. The VESTA technology is
             based on once-through operation with no recir-
             culation, avoiding expensive compressors. The
             technology is based on a maximum operating
             temperature of 550°C, avoiding any metal du-
             sting formation and enabling relatively simple re-
             actors to be used. The technology can operate
             with syngas from any commercial gasification
             technology. The VESTA technology is designed
             to be simple and safe to operate and to be im-                                    VESTA Technology
             plemented at a low total investment cost.                                         Pilot Plant

             Blue Hydrogen / Bio-Hydrogen

             Currently, hydrogen is primarily produced via steam
             reforming of fossil origin feedstock which produces
             CO as by-product that is normally then released
             to the atmosphere, contributing to greenhouse
             gasses and counter to the clean fuel objective. So,
             it needs to be produced through sustainable pro-
             cesses to ensure it contributes to decarbonisation
             targets driving the global energy transition.
             Blue  hydrogen  is produced  from fossil  origin
             feedstock, but the CO by-product is captured for
             sequestration or for re-use, rather than emitted into
             the environment: our blue hydrogen production
             scheme is based on our steam reforming techno-
             logy further enhanced by unique solutions to allow
             more than 90% reduction of CO  emissions to the atmosphere.
             Blue hydrogen is scalable to very large production capacities and presents a very competitive in-  Wood Hydrogen Production
             vestment cost.
             Wood is also developing a new production process to produce bio-hydrogen via a modified steam
             reforming process applied to liquid-biofeedstock: this technology is also easily scalable provided that
             there is an adequate market for the liquid bio-feedstock and provides carbon neutral, and also poten-
             tially carbon negative, hydrogen.

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