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                             100 years of history

                             As the demand for oil-based produces rose, in 1919, Wood’s FW Fired Heaters designed and supplied
                             the first all-convective heater to the refining industry. The following year saw the patent and supply of
                             the first tubular heater.
                             1927: 1  vacuum distillation heater in a turnkey supply of a 2-stage atmospheric/vacuum pipe still
                             1939: design and supply of the 1  Delayed Coker/Visbreaker Heater based on UOP’s Equiflux (double
                             fired) heater design.
                             1949: first vertical cylindrical heater built with vertical bare tubes in the convection section. It was also
                             the year the Esso Refinery was built at Fawley in the UK.
                             1954: patented the now famous Terrace Wall furnace design- the basis of our Steam-Hydrocarbon
                             Reforming Furnace and our Delayed Coker Heater.
                             1960: developed, designed and supplied a novel compact CO Boiler design for FCC units.
                             1962: pioneered, designed and supplied the 1  high pressure steam methane reforming furnace – pro-
                             ducing large savings in compression costs.
                             1975: executed a 34 heater award from multiple offices for a Middle East grassroots refinery project.
                             1991: design and supplied the 1  Terrace Wall double fired Delayed Coker Heater.
                             1990s: supplied our 200  Terrace Wall Steam Reformer Furnace
                             2000s: supplied our 150  Delayed Coker Heater
                             Today: transformational change with the ability to leverage Wood’s current broad asset integrity and
                             life cycle optimisation.

                            tube life (often in excess of 100,000 hours) and de-  quiry to the product delivery at a customer’s site,
                            liver the flexibility to extend the furnace operating   including advisory services on site, when required.
                            envelope. This often allows production of hydrogen
                            in excess of the design capacity of the hydrogen
                            production unit, or, in case of the delayed coker,  Fired Heaters safety record
                            extends the run length beyond the original design   Combustion equipment demands the utmost
                            value which in turn delivers additional economic   consideration  to  safety  and  this  is  at  the  heart
                            benefits.  Foster  Wheeler’s  reformers  can operate   of Wood’s ethos. Our fired heaters have an
                            with ultra-low-NOx burners to meet tightening en-  exceptional HSE record, providing our customers
                            vironmental emission standards worldwide.  with many years of continued safe operation.

                            Wood’s Milano office is known as the European
                            centre of expertise for fired heaters and engineered  Energy transition technologies
                            products as well as the centre of expertise for the   Other than Wood’s licensed processes for hydro-
                            gas technologies (hydrogen production and me-  gen production and delayed coking, we own other
                            thanation) and represents, together with the Ame-  technologies that are instrumental to drive the
                            rican office, the main contributor to this business:   energy transition: our VESTA methanation process
                            the team is led by Giampiero Caronno. Presently,   is an efficient, reliable and cost effective method of
                            the Milano office is made of approximately 50 spe-  producing Substitute Natural Gas (SNG) from bio-
                            cialists able to develop the projects from the en-  derived syngas.

                        “Technical Consulting Solutions”:

                        una nuova unità globale,

                        multisettoriale e tecnologica di Wood

                        Wood è una società che realizza progetti e fornisce servizi di consulenza e ingegneria all’industria dell’Oil &
                        Gas e ad un’ampia gamma di settori quali ambiente, farmaceutico, minerario, della produzione di energia
                        pulita e dell’industria in generale. La Società è nata dalla fusione tra Wood Group e Amec Foster Wheeler
                        avvenuta nel 2017; è presente con uffici in più di 60 Paesi e impiega circa 60.000 persone nel mondo.

                        Wood è organizzata per “business lines”, una di queste – chiamata Technical Consulting Solutions-
                        racchiude tutte le competenze specifiche necessarie ai servizi di consulenza di alto livello così come i
                        prodotti e le tecnologie di processo, fiori all’occhiello della Società: questo articolo fornisce un’istantanea di
                        questo specifico aspetto delle attività di Wood per le quali l’ufficio italiano è uno dei centri di eccellenza.

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