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solutions to enhance sustainable mobility such as   disruptive potential such as offshore solar and
            Small-scale LNG and Floating LNG.         windfarms, marine technologies, the next gene-
                                                      ration of biorefineries and the green hydrogen
            However, relying only on a transition fuel like gas   value chain.
            is not enough. Innovation and integration are the
            keywords guiding every player in the sector who   Accompanying 8 billion people toward the ener-
            wishes to actively contribute to energy transi-  gy transition requires a fundamental step: building
            tion and transformation. To target decarboniza-  technological bridges between energy systems to
            tion and CO2 reduction it is important to build   maximize the effi ciency of existing infrastructures
            technology portfolios able to improve the entire   while lowering their carbon footprint.
            CO2 value chain: from Carbon Capture & Sto-  Amory Lovins once wrote that fi re made us human
            rage to innovative hybrid solutions integrating   and  fossil  fuel  made  us  modern.  Now  we  need
            energy  storage  concepts  for  renewables  with   a fi re that will make us enduring. It’s hard to say
            conventional oil and gas use.  Energy players   which  energy  source  will  be  predominant  in  this
            will need to devote their best and brightest min-  new fi re. What we can is predict the spark that will
            ds to developing and improving solutions with   ignite the fl ames: LNG.

                                  Stefano Cao

                                  Stefano Cao has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Università degli Studi di Roma.
                                  He began his career in Saipem in 1976 as a Project Manager and Offshore Construction Manager
                                  in the North Sea.
                                  Over the years, he covered various positions, such as Offshore Construction Engineering Division
                                  Manager, Offshore Construction Division Vice General Manager and Operations, Chief Operating Of-
                                  fi cer and then Managing Director of Technical and Operational Activities and then became Chairman
                                  and CEO in 1999.
                                  In 2000, he left Saipem to take on the position of Chief Operating Offi cer of the Exploration & Pro-
                                  duction Division of Eni. In 2015, after his experience as CEO of Sintonia SpA followed by taking
                                  the position of Chairman of Spig SpA, he returned to Saipem taking the position of Chief Executive
                                  Offi cer.

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