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       Most companies overestimate

       their cybersecurity,

       but resilience is possible

       Strong cybersecurity is           Frank Ford and Syed Ali,           of their cybersecurity technologies, and
                                                                            three out of four have senior executives
                                         Bain & Company
       about more than technology.                                          focused squarely on cybersecurity, often a
                                                                            chief information security officer.
       It also takes a long-term                 ew executives need  to be told   In  spite  of  this  investment,  our  research
                                                 that cybersecurity is a critical
       commitment to develop                     issue, one that is central to pro-  finds that many firms continue to overesti-
                                                                            mate the effectiveness of their cybersecu-
                                                 tecting an organization’s assets
       a range of strategic             Fspending more than ever to le-     rity because they fail to grasp the comple-
                                                 and reputation. Companies are
                                                                            xity of the challenge. Specifically, many are
       capabilities                      arn where they are vulnerable, to deploy   not developing the long-term strategic ca-
                                         the latest security solutions and to hire   pabilities essential for robust cybersecuri-
                                         the talent necessary for a strong cyber   ty. Indeed, most struggle to comply with
                                         defense. Our research finds that 97% of   simple best practices. Only 43% percent
                                         large firms have undergone audits or as-  of executives believe that their firms follow
                                         sessments of cybersecurity over the past   best practices for cybersecurity, but dee-
                                         three years, 70% regularly upgrade most   per analysis identifies that only about 24%

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