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       The role of LNG in leading

       the way towards a successful

       energy transition

       For the first time in the         Stefano Cao, Chief Executive Officer   the most ambitious initiative globally, but

       history of the World              Saipem S.p.A.                      others surely will follow.  In such a scena-
                                                                            rio, the energy industry, more than others,
       Economic Forum Global                         limate change awareness   is facing unprecedented pressure to prove
                                                                            its business model capable of leading the
       Risks Perception Survey,                      is re-shaping social beha-  way toward a successful energy transition
                                                     viors and industry busi-  in line with Paris Agreement. This is hap-
       this year’s top five global                   ness models by applying   pening within a challenging scenario whe-
                                                     pressure at different levels.   re protracted weakness and volatility in
       risks in terms of likelihood      COn the financial level, for       commodity prices have taken their toll on
                                         example, institutions are on the edge of   oil and gas companies. Driving the energy
       of occurrence are all             a fundamental reallocation of capital sin-  transition in this context therefore requires
                                         ce climate risk is perceived as investment   flexibility and new approaches.
       environmental                     risk. On the political level, environmen-
                                         tal awareness is rising in the priorities of   The energy transition can be best defined
                                         institutional agendas. In this context, the   as a gradual shift from a system mostly
                                         European Green New Deal appears to be   based on fossil resources to a more su-

       16  Impiantistica Italiana - Marzo-Aprile 2020
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