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stainable and renewable energy mix. Such a pro-  (i.e.  shale  gas). The  second is gas’ environmen-
            cess necessarily involves many stakeholders and is   tal compatibility, especially considering its advan-
            already taking place, in part spontaneously, led by   tages over other fossil sources in terms of emis-
            economic convenience and technological progress   sions and programmability. Moreover, natural gas
            and in part driven by political and regulatory deci-  remains the resource that best combines with in-
            sions. A process of this size can only be gradual   termittent renewable sources to ensure continuity
            to match growing energy demand while reducing   of electricity production. It also represents a viable
            the use of conventional sources that still satisfy   alternative to fossil fuels in several sectors such
            more than 80% of the world’s primary energy con-  as marine transportation due to its cost effective-
            sumption. Furthermore, gradualness is needed to   ness and compliance with international emission
            gain the necessary time to build the infrastructures   regulations.
            for renewable energy’s production and distribution.
            The energy transition is a process, and like every   In this scenario, liquefied natural gas (LNG) repre-
            process, it encompasses phases. At present, na-  sents a global commodity driven by steady growth
            tural gas plays a fundamental role in bridging fuel   in demand also due to strong imports by Europe,
            toward a low carbon economy. Most energy sce-  China and other Asian countries. In 2019 signs of
            narios, even the greener, forecast a gas market in   acceleration in investment decisions were visible,
            expansion for at least 15-20 years, replacing coal   with many initiatives being approved. This trend is
            in power generation.                      expected to continue over the following years, al-
                                                      though with a lower intensity than in 2019. Such
            Two main elements explain this trend. The first is   important LNG investment flow will also reshape
            the competitiveness of gas resources, both from   energy routes, with new countries playing signifi-
            conventional reserves and from unconventional   cant roles in energy geographies.

                                                                                     Impiantistica Italiana - Marzo-Aprile 2020  17
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