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                            The Joint Operation Company running the project   vide the waterous services inside the Balikpapan
                            is composed of four companies: HEC (Hyundai En-  refi nery.
                            gineering Co.), SKEC (SK Engineering & Construc-  These API 610 VS2 type pumps -TMP CPPD800
                            tion) - both Korean EPCs with whom Termomecca-  model - will be more than 10-meter long, have a
                            nica Pompe has long-standing relationships - PT   head of 75m, a capacity of 7,500m3/h and an in-
                            PP and PT Rekayasa Industri, the largest local EPC   stalled power exceeding 2 MW. They will be ma-
                            contractors.                              nufactured in Nickel-Aluminium Bronze, a material
                                                                      specifi cally requested by the End User for the wa-
                            The sea water lift pumps Termomeccanica will pro-  terous services of its plant.

                             Massimiliano De Benedetti

                             Massimiliano De Benedetti has a degree in Project Management from the University of Parma. Following
                             his degree, he started his career in MBDA Italy, the European Missile System leader, as an Industrial
                             He joined Termomeccanica Pompe in 2007, integrating the Service Division’s Sales & Marketing Team
                             where he followed the overseas markets, i.e. mainly Russia, MENA, China and Eastern Europe, managing
                             relationships with End Users like KOC, ADWEA, MEW, CNOOC and NTPC.
                             In 2011, he moved onto the New Product Sales & Marketing Department as Key Account Manager. As
                             such, he was in charge of developing the Indian, Chinese, CIS and African markets, networking with key
                             EPCs such as L&T, EIL, TICB, CNOOC, Sinopec, SICIM and acquiring prestigious contracts with O&G
                             and Nuclear Power end users like SOCAR and NPCIL.
                             Within the reorganization of the New Product  Sales Department that took place at the end of last year,
                             he now is  Sales Area Manager for CIS, India and Indonesia.

                         Termomeccanica Pompe fa progressi
                         nei mercati Oil & Gas dell’Estremo Oriente

                         Termomeccanica Pompe (TMP) guarda con interesse verso il Far East, dove paesi in forte crescita come
                         l’Indonesia, la Tailandia, la Malesia e il Vietnam offrono delle opportunità commerciali sempre maggiori.
                         L’anno scorso, TMP ha acquisito un contratto per un progetto importante nel mercato Oil & Gas
                         Indonesiano, Balikpapan RDMP V, uno dei 5 progetti facente parte di un piano di espansione e
                         miglioramento delle capacità di raffi nazione del paese.

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